Okay. Because many others are doing it.

May 28, 2008 11:52

LJ elections.

I don't really want to start talking about it, but I'm starting to feel affected by it the more I see of it. Which is inevitable, so I might as well give my own view.

Personally, I'm in fandom. I'm in lots of fandoms.

I'm hoping that even if the candidate isn't in fandom, s/he would understand that ridding LJ of fandom and people involved in such would equal to 70% of LJ going. I don't know the real stats, but you all get that the fact that LJ has fandom, and a lot of people in them, the more a voice is needed.

I do have a specific candidate in mind, rm because she hasn't been involved in any of the strikethrough/boldthrough shebang, she's never been involved with the LJ staff prior to this, but is very professional with her work and candidacy. She fully supports free speech (because LJ is not supposed to be liable for hosting a journal that is not written by them!), she is a member of the Oranization of Transformative Works and finally, she is fighting to maintain the ongoing availability of Free accounts.

Not everyone has a Paid account. Not everyone can afford to get a Paid account. Not everyone lives in the US, Canada or Europe, and thus has a hard time sending payments for a Paid account. People should have a choice to put ads in their site, too.

LJ isn't upholding its original commitments to their users possibly because the staff/Abuse team change. It's not always the same person. I understand that. But they have to maintain what LJ was initially for, people socializing, sharing, connecting. Personally, fandom is what found me 99.9% of my flist. Fandom will always be there, because it needs to be.

My other two candidates are: legomymalfoy and vichan.
Not only because they are active in fandom, and know the issues they want to get through, but also because they support free speech and basic accounts. Now that, whether or not I have stats, I know is a big big part of LJ.

Please please consider it. Do not complain about the election's results if you didn't even vote. VOTE. VOTE FOR THE RIGHT PERSON. This is the first LJ Advisory Board! This will represent US, the USERS. We need to be able to have the same views, same issues to be heard, same will to uphold, as the candidate that best understands us and will make LJ a better experience for us all. Experience in staffs/teams aren't very important in my opinion, because those are the kinds of people who ARE regular users, and KNOW the issues of being a regular user versus a big legal, money-making company.

Here are some links:
*** To You - An open letter to all fandom comm moderators and fandom members ***
GET OUT THE VOTE - Fandom-friendly candidates and their platforms
Fandom vs them - A look on candidates' positions in fandom

Please help in spreading the word.

And please lord, DO NOT vote for jameth. Why would you? And, in addition, Why would you (times two)? He attacks the fandom candidates and has asked endorsements that call legomymalfoy "SOME LAME ASS HARRY POTTER FANDOM DORK"

Seriously guys. I know this was tl;dr, but please think about it. Please vote.

To vote, go here. To change your vote, go here.

AGAIN, DO NOT(!!!!) vote for the same person thrice. It doesn't work that way.

eljay, politics, srs stuff

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