Oh, the dashboard melted but we still have the radio.

May 19, 2008 17:09

Curse you, internet, for being so amazingly bad at timing!! (i.e. when you decide to die right when I'm talking to someone about something kinda important and ruining the moment when you start up again). CURSE YOUUUUU

Kekeke. Anyway. WAHT.

Three ex-girlfriends were online at YM at the same time today. Lolol. Called Monica about it. She lol'd, too. We lol'd together. Kekeke. What? Why? B-because it's funny? D: And a very big koinkidink, seeing as I never get to see one of them anymore (lol college, thank the lord). The other one was just an online thing. And the last one, I'll see at school. :|

But. I was RPing angsty!Ruki/Uruha with prison_gates so I couldn't suddenly log off.

asjgfkvn IM is scaring me more and more.

FUNNY HOW LIKE, A LOT OF PEOPLE MESSAGED ME ABOUT NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK. XDDD One after the other. Even Lex, who is in California right now, so is hearing about their comeback quite often.

Lex: Dude, I couldn't stop thinking about you.
Me: Lol really? xD How touching~
Lex: Yeah, whenever NKOTB came up on tv, I'm like "-ding- OMG RIA!"

I asked for merch. But she said she doesn't have money. Dude, I swear you spend too much on Hot Topic. xD ~*GIVE ME STUFF*~ ♥


It's so purple now. Like ube (purple yam) icecream. Like so:

Well, okay, not so 'after' yet. The closet doors require a different kind of paint, so they haven't done that yet.


random random. ugh. don't have anything sane to talk about. I need more lulz in my life. Aside from seeing the people online, of course. That was epic. A-and one messaged. Lolol. But yeah. *points to first sentence*


Family Guy then Simpsons on TV! Just in time ♥

Oh, oh, I need to figure out what song is playing in the opening of "Season II: Episode 8" of the Kingdom Hearts: Stupid Files (by DcWyverx). Look for it on YouTube. If anyone knows, gimme a holler/link.

ALSO. If anyone has an mp3 link of Charmer (by Kings of Leon), gimme gimme gimme. D: It's not ANYWHERE online. blegh You can delete it right after I download. PRS PRS PRS. x____x;

Downloaded some Modest Mouse. 8D Funky~

OH Y'KNOW. I hope Arisu releases "RAINBOWS" on my birthday. Because.. I dunno, it'll be sexeh 8D I WANT IT ASDHFRKVKLX A-and, 2 days left before Megamasso's new single is out. WAHH. WHY THE HECK AM I NOT IN JAPAN?!

megamasso, homfg!aliens, hold me! ;^;, blegh, girls, asdfghjkl, videos, rp, love, music, jrock, download, alice nine., s.s. relationship, asdfghjklolcapslock, lol, kingdom hearts, woe is me ;_;

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