Woot woot. Mini-macro-comic = not photoshoot. I used a "single" picture, but it still has panels. 8D Btw, all words in the images are THOUGHTS/INSIDE THEIR HEAD unless they have *'s. It was ugly if I used parentheses. Btw, don't follow the comic as is, because you'll get confused. xD Nao and Saga are thinking on their own.
Everyone knows I love the arisu boiz~so I say this now: Please don't take offense. ♥ This is just all in the name of good humor. xD
Great, now I'm hungry. ._.
Note: ILOVELOVELOVELOVESHOU. :D (and you, kissme_deadly_x!) But he's hilarious. besides, Hiroto needs a break sometimes!
ps. please do not redistribute these images individually or as a whole if you want to show your buddies, please link here. :D
pps. I need moar hilarious photoshooteez. D8 If u gaiz hav, prz share ♥ Even if they're not arisu. :D