Ambitions Like Ribbons

Apr 11, 2008 00:02


Okay, there's like, NOTHING interesting going on in my life recently. 'Cuz, kinda, I'm on the computer all day. But. Y'know. It's really icky to have not seen anyone my age for about a month. D8;

I couldn't go to Ara's the other day ('cuz, lol, I forgot) because she had this bad thing with her dad, and said it's best for me to not go. xD Tin also cancelled the YFU gig (forgot to mention since I was spazzing over grades).


I've been downloading stuff, though.

If you know me and my ball-sucking ball-sucking internet, you'd know that downloading even 6MB is like, an hour on a good day. And my intarweb disconnects by itself every hour or so. But sucess = HELL YEAH.

If anyone has any Meev songs on MF or SS, prz send them my way.
And any other Jrock bando songu out thar that you think I should spaz over. Even if I know them already (because I prolly don't have any of their songs, so it does't matter).

My iPod needs more Asians.

This one... xD When I saw the photoshoot, I just couldn't resist. xD
And yes, pun is very much intended. D8

And. Watch Inzargi work it. 8D

Eh. I have to go with mom to enroll tomorrow morning. So I have to sleep early. But I'm obviously not doing that, am I? I'll also go to an internet cafe tomorrow to download all the shit I can at high speed! :D

And, because of my random exploits in Wikipedia, I found out that if ever I need a blood transfusion, I can count on Uruha, Tora, Hiropon, Shou, hyde and Shirota Yuu to donate them red stuffs. 8D ♥

And, btw, gl4x, JE is a talent agency, it seems! And it dominates ze Japanese boy band market, like NEWS and Kat-Tun~

bored, macros, jrock, music, download, miyavi, lol, intarweb = sux teh c0ck.

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