I've already said my piece on the tsunamis and earthquakes on
Tumblr. All my friends in Japan... I'm deeply concerned for them, but there's nothing much I can do. Knowing they are safe lets me turn my attention to those who aren't as safe, and I am praying for them. The worst of the tsunamis seem to be over--I'm not sure, since I don't know how they work--but I'm hoping no more aftershocks will occur. Those can really be nasty.
Although I'm sad about the devastation in Japan, I am thankful that tsunami warnings in other countries were exaggerated. No one has been hurt, and no damage has been made. Still, better safe than sorry.
I cannot be angry enough at the shit I'm seeing people post, though.
"Filipinos can go die," "we're better off without them," "who cares about your country," "they make awful blogs anyway...but not for long they won't!"
Seriously? Bringing up those kinds of comments at a time of disaster? Don't give me that "I didn't even mean it, you're all so easily butthurt" crap. I'm not butthurt. I am indignant at your perception of humor. I absolutely hate stuck up bastards who consider themselves higher than anyone else and find it funny to wish death upon a country. If you talked like that about any other nationality, I would have felt the same way as I do now, regardless of who I am or where I live.
Racism irks me so, so much.