too little too late but we can't say no, oh oh

Aug 14, 2010 22:45

Was at Ram's for most of today, preparing for Sagala. My head hurts from the stress. xD

I like being with the block, but it's difficult because I tend to be a little bossy when it comes to logistics, especially when I see people not working when there's something to be done. It's just that...we don't have any more time~ T_T Must have teamwork, teamwork!

But I'm nice, mind you. I boss people around in a nice way. C:

INTAC session processed a formal MBTI test. For the 3rd? time in a row, I got ESTJ. And everything somehow makes more sense. T_T /identity crisis? magicalkamelot and I got the same.

I only ever got ENTP once in all the tests I've taken before, but that was after thinking I was ENTJ. So comparied to ENTJ, I was more ENTP. Comparing ENTP to ESTJ, though, I think I'm more the latter (case in point, the first three paragraphs of this entry). It's surprising I never even bothered looking at the type before.

My extreme was Thinking. I am totally not a Feeler, I suppose. Unlike dandycadence. |D

Could've sworn I was more iNtuitive than Sensing, though. I mean... Okay. No, nevermind. When have I ever not been overthinking things lately? :-< All of this is true. T_T I'll update my profile soon, then. MBTI's change over time, after all.

lol what, college, work, ateneo, mbti, block t-tigas!

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