took her less than 5 minutes to decide.

Jul 10, 2010 19:46

8. Character you look like the most

.......I think. I would have said Hong Kong if it weren't for the hair/that whole non-smiling biz. But I still wear significantly less red than either of them. XD

The rest of the meme~

I tried studying a while ago. Which actually worked for the first 10 minutes! But because I am a weak human being, I went out to get a snack, and got caught up with teaching the maid's kid how to spell. Then the parents came home, and mom saw an ad for cheap plane fares in the newspaper.

And jsyk, my mom:travel :: normal girl:shoes/bags/makeup.

So....we're suddenly going to Korea in October. |D;

Mom: It's non-refundable and international! I'll slap you if you bail out on me again.

We were supposed to go to Bohol some time last year, but I couldn't for some reason. My aunt used my name so that the ticket wouldn't be wasted. xD And I attempted to bail out of the Macau trip earlier this year, too, since I'd be missing finals, but I went anyway. Glad I did, though~

In unrelated news, HNNNNNGH MY ICON. ♥♥♥ The severe lack of well-written Ronaldo/Kaká fics on the internet displeases me greatly. GREATLY.

korean, cris/kaká, love, axis powers hetalia, meme, travel, asdfghjklolcapslock, real madrid, 30-day meme, yaaaay~ :d, sports

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