I had a marvelous day, all in all.

Jul 08, 2010 19:17

5. Character you’d like as your child

6. Character who would probably be your rival

1st: Need I explain?!
2nd: Uhm. Like, rivals in what sense, I'm not sure. But we might clash, personality-wise? Idk! Not all the time. I just can't think of anyone.

The rest of the meme~

LMAO I was looking for Tori all morning because I knew she was hardcore rooting for Germany. I simply needed to rub it in her face, which isn't very sportsman-like, but REALLY. To ANYONE, who counted out Spain's ability immediately just because Germany had a better record this year (I admit it, I really do, they're an amazing team and I was scared they would win because they are far more consistent than Roja), I simply must rub it in a little.

Though we were already shouting our heads off in the middle of Manang's while the block tried to break us up. We weren't fighting, promise. She was just ranting and I was defending. xD She was too bummed and was avoiding me in the morning. XD

But see, you should never, EVER count Spain out just like that. They are perfectly capable of winning. AND IT'S NOT BECAUSE OF THE OCTOPUS (who will perhaps be dinner on a German plate soon).

Now it's versus Netherlands, who is also perfectly capable. Golly. They both have never made it to the finals, have they? And yet they've showed such amazing plays this year.

Of course I'm rooting for Spain, but if they lose to Netherlands, I might accept it quicker. Oranje's really amazing. They surprise everyone every time. I mean, c'mon, that Brazil game? Srsly. Shock forever. But I'm glad it's going to be Netherlands versus Spain. It will surely be an epic, epic game!! And Netherlands was going to be my back-up team in case Spain lost sometime, so. Lol. 8|


▌ Had a 2-hour break between the end of PE and the start of MSP tutoring (with JM, Kam and Rainier), so we hung around peoples' PE's. Ang hot niya po mag basketball okkk. :"> HAHAHA Men's swimming class. :| Yucky. :P Thennn. Arnis with Robert, James and Gerard. Just playing around with the sticks, lmao. Then it became ballroom. Uh? xD

▌ Today was full of mind games. :( LITERALLY. xD The block was passing notes about riddles/puzzles/tricks/etc instead of listening in class. I only solved one by myself. :)))) The rest I gave up easily and asked how it worked. I'm not that observant kasi!! :))))) There're only two I still don't get because JM and Jon (mastermind of the whole thing since 7:30 in the morning) won't tell me. D|

love, axis powers hetalia, meme, games, asdfghjklolcapslock, 30-day meme, lol, fifa world cup, friends, block t-tigas!, españaaaaaaa, spanish, sports

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