Intact class will be handled by PC, our OrSem log! Yaaay. MBTI test today. I had a hard time figuring out my MBTI so if this comes out differently /again/, then I have no idea who I am anymore.
(Btw, JM bought the latest Macbook Pro this morning for 2,000USD/95,000PHP ON IMPULSE. Lmfao dude. But we still had more fun with Robert's laptop. Half of the block was coaching me on Text Twist so that we could beat his highscore and not allow him to study until he beats ours again. Got 83k!)
Filipino Diagnostic Test: I'M REGULAR! I'M REGULAR! And what's more, THE WHOLE BLOCK IS REGULAR!!!! Yaaay!! We were all so nervous about this. T_T I know I'm a (very very much) below average Filipino-speaker, but I have my pride, still...! So yeah. No Basic Fil for meeee. |D
Math. ...Haha. I know these lessons already, but I never bothered to understand them deep enough to be comfortable about my life depending on them. Besides the fact that I HATEHATEHATksjkdsf Algebra. /seethed the whole class
I saw the LT of last year. And I... I dunno. It's... reachable. I might be able to do it. But I'll try even harder (which I know say all the time, lmao).
RecWeek is next week. Hmmm. I'm still not 100% clear about the orgs I'm going to join since I want to limit myself to 2 at most THIS YEAR. But here's a list of the ones I'm choosing from:
• Management Engineering Association (MEA) - Given, obvious, will most definitely join.
• Ateneo Student Exchange Council (ASEC) - 70% sure? It's just my ~area~.
• Heights - I might try out to see if I get in the Art Dep't, at least? :o
onlyaudiovisual can help. ;3;
• Strategy and Tactics Group (STiG) - skdfjksdjdfsdkjf it's a military strategy group that uses airsoft/paintball. How fucking awesome is that. T_T
And maaaaybe that one sector-based group whose name I can't seem to recall at the moment...
Anyway, /reminds self once again that there is no school tomorrow and that I can be a little less paranoid than usual. But! Blockmate Meryl's debut tomorrow, yay!