what could have been a few thousand entries ★

Jun 19, 2010 05:00

  • 08:46 Morning. I felt like it was at least 11AM or something. I got to used to waking up early. // Huh? Did Yamamoto die? That sucks. #
  • 08:50 @ annakaterina Thank you!! I'm hoping I at least won't embarrass myself. |D #
  • 09:27 @ y0umin What, I haven't read it either. #
  • 09:32 Siwon will be in IRIS2? This is gonna be so badass that idk if his character can take it.XD Kinda like MinWoo, but it was...okay at the end! #
  • 09:34 @ y0umin Lmao deal with it. #
  • 09:37 @ daikeru Lol what fandom is that? I've heard of a Heat and I liked him, but i can't recognize him xD #
  • 09:41 @ daikeru Lmfao okay, totally wrong fandom. #
  • 09:49 Why does it seem like the epee'd be easier to use? The fact that you can attack anywhere. But it's certainly more painful, haha. #
  • 10:19 @ daikeru Tenemos. #
  • 10:51 bwuh baby turtles. #
  • 10:55 @ ton
    Toni, di tayo makahang out masyado :( #
  • 11:02 M02 got Max Pulan? Omgg, I don't know whether to be envious or what. There is no reggieblue entry for my prof. :/ #
  • 11:06 ...But there're forum posts. EN12/LIT13 prof = "good but very very hard". @kalalamille, I think we're screwed in every class no matter what. #
  • 11:16 Including Fil. I'm awful enough at the subject. "After a semester with her, you'll feel as though a thousand brain cells just died." Greaaat #
  • 11:40 Getting to know SHINee from Hello Baby gave me pretty warped perspectives of them. Take Onew. I find him kind of...a loser? Lol. #
  • 11:44 bit.ly/c1VaX9 Does the mag name really mean that? BUT AHH SHICHUL ♥ // Gonna see more of this face soon~ bit.ly/9lI6MA Cheesy~ #
  • 11:45 @ daikeru He's...okay, lmao, but he really didn't put himself out in HB so I thought he was quiet and weak, personality-wise? xD; I like Key. #
  • 11:50 So everyone in FT Island is attractive except Hongki. HAHA Sorry. You're still funny, though. And one of Heechul's 3984504 BFFs. #
  • 11:57 Oh and Jaejin. // Will not pair Taemin with anyone. He is too cute. Key can be his mom tho. // bit.ly/do
    Amen. // /end kpop tweet #
  • 12:05 Out of sight, out of mind. I can't remember anymore if Taemin looks like her...? Oh well, he's still too pretty. /saves everything on Tumblr #
  • 12:27 New Twitter bg/colors! I'll make a better one when I have better pics. Taeminnnn. Such a gorgeous boy. I hate that he's only 16. :| #
  • 12:47 MORE OF THIS. Heechul, do teach him your ways. twitpic.com/1xq34e #
  • 13:25 What are Spanish Balls doing on Mafia Wars? Pinilit. // Still, Germany can't win. They already have ESC. I don't want to treat people. |D; #
  • 13:26 @ toniestipona Omg :| =)) Same as ABS or ibang voices? #
  • 14:20 Finally, fencing videos that look /right/. I don't know enough to criticize, but at least this isn't something homemade. #
  • 14:31 Aside from the grammatical errors in that report, I'm apathetic by now. I just sigh. Leave earlier=come back earlier. I'll wait for you 김영운! #
  • 14:32 But lmao North Korea, stop being a pussy and deal for the next.... 8 years, ok? Until all of them are done, just keep your war to yourself. #
  • 15:09 Okay, preparing to leave now~ Bbl Twitter. #
  • 20:04 I'm home! Man, that was tiring. @_@ Guess who's everything's gonna hurt tomorrow~~ ( ゚ヮ゚) /re-hydrates self and shall relax forever #
  • 20:05 @ thepatagroove When! #
  • 20:07 Btw, I didn't make the team. o: And I realize that it's actually a good thing. XD #
  • 20:25 Lmao I very much look forward to lying down later. D: // My Heechul icon does not match my Taemin theme. But... but... do I change it... #
  • 21:04 ARCHERY NA NGA LANG, BV. HAHA. Or Shooting *n* But that's more expensive. #
  • 21:23 Why are there so much lemurs? What's with the lemurs?? Tinypic reCAPTCHA had lemurs. Then LJ. #
  • 21:33 Moon about Taemin: "IS THAT A BOY? ARE YOU SURE? ARE YOU VERY VERY VERY SURE?" #
  • 21:35 @ datingmundo Hehehehehehehe. Bakit ang dami ng gamit ko nung 3rd year. :-? #
  • 22:08 OH MY GAD it's a Hello Baby moodtheme. /stares at it and does nothing else. #
  • 22:16 Ano dawww. /:) #
  • 22:59 Twitter, why do you fail so much these days. /has a hard time fixing YET ANOTHER Taemin theme. Still not content with it
    , but eh. It's blue~ #
  • 23:05 Finally. New, blue Taemin theme fixed! Sorta. :/ I'm still not content... but eh, that's better for now. #
  • 23:15 The things @Heedictator tweets ide. twitpic.com/1x6gku // Biology of Science Fiction is a real class here! |D So cool. // Good night~ #
  • 23:20 ps. "Wait, ano ung itak? Hammer ba un? O yung pang death?" ughh overheard, what. // Srsly going now. I'll conquer Math tomorrow. Good bye! #

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