First day of college.

Jun 16, 2010 05:20

I'm typing this from the 3rd floor of the new Rizal Lib. :D Killing time already, rofl.

Uhhm, I was caught in traffic this morning (when I woke up scatterbrained and with a headache because I didn't sleep very well the night before), but luckily, the Biotech prof was late, too, and we walked in together. |D

Class sounds kinda fun. I did pretty well in HS Biology (highest scorer at some point, but only because I liked the teacher and the lessons were interesting enough), and that's what he said would really help more than anything. So, I'm cool. o:

Hung out with the block (you can tell we're freshmen because there are like, 20 of us walking together lmao) while we walked to our graves went to Garces' class. He came in eventually, and then transferred some of us out to another class. I was included! With Paula, Jeryl, Kit and Robert. I'm slightly hurt. ;3; Sure I can technically escape Garces' wrath, but I'm separated from the rest of the block. ._. And our teacher is... hm... I've never heard of him, is the thing. (ADMU people, how's Canonigo?)

Started with lessons already. Lmao, I was just... too bummed to think properly. And my head still hurts. It wasn't cool. Or, I dunno. I don't know how to feel, lmao. But I'm bummed until I figure it out.

But this is a temporary thing... after the 2nd LT on July 20 (that determines whether I get kicked out of the program immediately or not XD), we'll be re-sectioned again. So, whatever. /:|

Fencing for PE after lunch. He talked about requirements, dismissed us in half an hour (out of the original 2 lol) and then gave us a free cut for Thursday. He's...also inviting us to try out for the Fencing varsity team on Friday, even if we know shat. Hahah. They're looking for potential, I guess. I might give it a try. o: I'll research when I get home. XD

People are impressed enough that I have it for PE, though. |D

But yeahhh, hmmm. I dunno. It's just an okay day. No class on Friday and early dismissal on Thursday, Wednesdays are basically the busiest day of my block's week, but besides that, we're pretty lax.

college, ateneo, block t-tigas!

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