
Jun 05, 2010 15:40

1. List ten things you want to say to ten people.
* They don't have to be different people if you've got a lot to say.
2. Do not state who these people are.
3. Do not confirm or deny any 'comment speculation'.
▌ I've only known you for two weeks, but I can tell we can be good friends. Thank you for being one of the few people who'd try to talk to me everyday just to ask how my day went, or how I slept. I wonder if you know how much I value small things like that. We have different scheds, but let's always make time for each other, okay?

▌ I almost scold myself for scolding you sometimes, because how could I, to someone as pure-hearted as you? Seeing myself in you when I was your age, I'll try to be someone you can look up to proudly!

▌ I wouldn't have wanted to spend that precious month with anyone else but you! 愛してる! Te quiero! Let's go back soon by ourselves and visit more onsens share a towel again. ♥ ;)

▌ We're in this together, right? You'll still want me, right? You're not allowed to forget about me!! I'll make sure to bug you twice as much if you dare try. :(

▌ Girlaloo! Karamay sa lahat ng bagay! I hope we'll never have to deal with those messes of people. And even if we do, I hope we'll always be on the same side, like we've been since the 1st grade. Also, my brainwashing methods have failed. Now you're far and dorming. :( Visit and keep in touch or else!

▌ It's been almost 2 years since we last talked. I heard you quit your old job, which means court was settled? I'm glad. I don't think my heart would be able to take talking to you again, but I hope you're happy, wherever you are, whatever you're doing, whoever you're with.

▌ Auf wiedersehen.

▌ You'll always like me more than you say you like her, and I can argue my point on it. :)

▌ Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it's completely uncalled for or an obviously wrong opinion, at that. Fortunately, we can agree to disagree (most of the time), and just keep quiet. After all, I still want to be your friend, even if you're totally irrational sometimes.

▌ For the next four years, you'll see what else I can do besides dance. :P MEAmore!

[01] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?

[02] Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No flipping way, man. Meth ruins you like no other.

[03] Abortion: for or against it?
If it's just because you accidentaly got knocked up at the bathroom stall on prom night, or other such stupid reasons, I am completely against abortion, no doubt. But I think some exceptions should be made for when the baby poses a health risk to the mother, or will die/is badly deformed with ill chances of survival as a result of something or another. The point is to minimize suffering for both mom and child. Another point: If it was rape, I still think the kid should be given a chance live. It had no fault in anything, and shouldn't be killed when it can't defend itself just because the mother has issues. Give birth to it and give it up to someone who can take care of it better than you.

[04] Do you think a country would fail with a female president?
We had one for the past 8 years, and admittedly, she kind of sucked, but our first attempt with a female president was good, so I'd say it has nothing to do with gender. Who's to say male presidents don't fail? Look at half of the world.

[05] Do you believe in the death penalty?
Heinous crimes commited by individuals most certainly warrant a death penalty, but what about those people who were wrongly accused? There have been issues about people on death row, killed for crimes they didn't do. While I don't think death penalty should be completely banned (imagine all the life sentences that would equal instead, and the resources it'd take to house all those people), it shouldn't be given too freely, either.

[06] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Wish? I don't really care. With society today, it's practically already legal, except without the paperwork. They're better and actually healthier than tobacco, and are in some cases medicinal, so I dunno. But I'm actually content with how it is now, as a recreational-sorta-luxury thing. If it was legalized, kids might just start using it mindlessly, acting cool, getting high everyday and ruining the rest of their lives. As if that doesn't happen often enough.

[07] Are you for or against premarital sex?
Lol hey, I don't mind. If you think know you're mature and responsible enough to have an intimate relationship (hopefully with someone around the same age as you and not like, 50 vs 17), why not? I'll emphasize responsibility, because that's really all it takes. Try to wait until you're at least 17+, though?

[08] Do you believe in God?
I have a very complicated relationship with religion. One time, I cried during mass because I couldn't find the point and wanted out. Since then, my parents have given up making me go to Church unless it's like, for a funeral or Christmas. This is because I personally hate traditions and practices. Everything Christianity is now is just made up by people throughout the years. Everything God supposedly is is just a coagulation of the beliefs of people who 1) like making stuff up and 2) use religion for their own agenda; narrow-minded bigots who usually use Jesus as an excuse. I believe in God, not Jesus. I believe in God, not as someone who is physically or even spiritually there, not as someone who needs to be worshipped on a regular basis or offered money to. I believe in him in his purest form - nothing, no one, who cannot talk back to you and has no rule over your life, but you can pretend he's listening.

[09] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
As much as I want to say yes straight up, I can't. Not until people can stop discriminating them. What's the point of being able to get married when you still can't enjoy the same rights of married couples like your heterosexual counterparts can?

[10] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
It's illegal, it's wrong. If they want to move to the US to have a better life, there are legal, more honest ways to do it. Saying it's hard? The reason why it's so hard to apply for legal residency in the first place is because too many people choose the easy lane and just jump the border. Basically, they're screwing up the same system that's supposed to be helping them.

[11] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
....If I was the baby, I don't think I would have wanted to live that way. Even if there are people to help the 12-year-old raise it, that's not how a baby should grow up. The mom's gonna have issues, definitely. I suggest putting it up for adoption.

[12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
Not like I care, lmfao. It's actually at 18 here, so it nothing changes. Even if it was lowered in other places where the minimum is 21, you think the kids below 18 will wait either way? No. But I think it's fine the way it is now, wherever around the world. Lowering it any further will just cause more stupid problems, don't you think?

[13] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
So imo, this war's based on the belief of Middle Easterns about that Holy War jizz. They're fighting for religion. The other side is fighting because they think those beliefs are crazy. So obviously, if anyone's going to try calling it off, it's the latter side's army, but that doesn't mean Iraq's will be content. I don't see any solution to the end of this war (I wish there was), except getting rid of Bin Laden first and foremost,'s too personal (to families/countries involved) to simply "be called off".

[14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
Is it? I think it should. When is suicide even legal, anyway? I mean, technically, you can do anything you want, and it doesn't matter if you kill yourself because it's not like they'd lock you up for doing it, but. I don't know, if I were committing suicide, I'd rather not drag anyone else into it. For those shady suicides, anyway. If it's in like, a hospital taking out life support, then, until there is absolutely no hope of recovery, I say it remains illegal. Bioethics class, heck yeah.

[15] Do you believe in spanking your children?
Hmmm. I don't remember being spanked in the butt (tickled, yes), but my parents did spank my hands, which actually hurts more. I do hit children to discipline them, but usually my voice is enough, haha. I'll take physical disciplining as a last resort.

[16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
I'm not from America so FUCK YEAH. But can I do it in private? I don't need old farts up on my case about it. It's nothing personal. Just money. $$$!

[17] Who do you think would (have) make/made a better president? McCain or Obama?
Old question is old, I'm too lazy to explain myself properly, but, Obama. First of all, he'll live longer, and second, he's cooler. Simply cooler. I don't know much about US politics, though, so I can't say much besides that.

[18] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Lol who cares.

I wonder if it matters any that I wasn't all OMG (INSERT ISSUE HERE) SHOULD BE LEGAL NOW FUCK YES. Do I not care enough? Lol. Either that, or I've thought about these issues way too much already in class/on TV/newspapers that I can reason calmly now.

Blame my Christian upbringing for the tl;dr answers to questions that have anything to do with religion? Oh, and if you're offended or anything and can't hold it in, I'm open to debate. :)

religion, messages, friends, meme, srs stuff

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