SHUPPAH JUNIYAA comebaaaahhhk

May 07, 2010 11:10

Super Junior 'Beauty' MV teaser

Idek what everyone's whining about re: Siwon being clothed. I like him in a suit! Especially that suit (hello spiked lapel), even if the pose is slightly reminiscent of the World Expo vid (KING OF THE COSMOS, ANYONE?) and Christ the Redeemer (Shisus).

And I'm kinda used to his abs by now anyway, so unless it involves Heechul in some way, I don't mind not seeing them for a while. And if ever I need to, for whatever reason, there's Google Image.

Also about knowing the song. Dudes, this is the MV teaser. SME never spoon-feeds. They'll make you wait as long as possible, get you hyped up as much as possible, blah. Marketing plan, y'know? I do like the beat though! Hopefully it's in the actual song. :o

Sungmin can totally work this concept (TAKE ME PLEASE). Heechul in that hoodie at the end reminds me of some kind of boxing movie. Standing in the rain(?) and all. The dancers are all bamf gangsters. And Teukie took his shirt off to convince everyone he isn't that old yet.

In any case, I do think I'm going to like the song and the MV. It's certainly way too early to say that I won't, but I never hated the concept in the first place. Besides the fact that this is SJ we're talking about, and I've never hated anything they've made thus far. So!


ps. The genre of the new song is called "Super Junior Funky". SJ-F? DO IT SM, DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!

hnnnnnngh, omgomgomg, hoshit--hot men, super junior, kim heechul, homfg!aliens, suju, music releases!!, choi siwon, videos

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