here today and gone tomorrow

May 04, 2010 18:57

Needless to say, I'm feeling a little better. Thoughts are a little clearer. A little.
I still would rather not talk about it in serious terms, though.

Maybe I'll let myself wallow in the puddle of life-is-bumming-me-out again come October. god can you imagine me if it were my bias

I'm going to miss this face!

But you know what I'm worried about most? His temper. And especially Teukie, who has been so emo for the past month or so, and who will practically be 30 in Korean age by the time our raccoon comes back. The members better take care of him more.

But anyway, here, have a uber small Kangin/Kangteuk gif spam to cheer everyone up~

KangTeuk also gets its own tag now. It was my very first SJ OTP, actually~
Also, I changed my Twitter background. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

love, gif, super junior, kangteuk is so prection, suju

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