i'm running out of random facts, rofl

Apr 21, 2010 07:43

For the next 10 days, post 2 random facts about yourself each day.
Day 9
★ I used to not mind cats, and even own one, until he did #1 and #2 in all three of my favorite shoes.
★ When I was in the 1st grade, I almost got stabbed in the eye with a pencil by a classmate. It missed by 1cm. I don't remember it at all, but apparently it wasn't an accident.

Finished Unbelievable Outing and Love Letter, now watching Idol Army. It's not fun because there are too many people to remember, but baby animals are adorable forever.

In unrelated news!
I know it's his stress reliever and all, but dad should really stop gardening in the middle of the night. He ruined the shrubbery completely, and I kind of want to get mad. :|

Mom went to me all, "What the heck did your father do this time."
Fortunately, he didn't cut the broadband cable again.

pha1l!, meme, family, tv ate mah brainz

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