Has anyone ever said that they'd love you forever? And that they cherish you and will never leave you? That you mean more to them than most of everyone else s/he knows? Then they'd tell you that they couldn't imagine their life without you, and you wonder. But they get mad when you doubt them, so you start believing.
You give them as much of yourself as you think being "loved" had called for. You get attached.
But then Life does its thing and bam! The person leaves you without so much as an explanation. Forces you out of their life, and treats every moment spent with you like they didn't exist.
Can you count how many people have done that to you?
Despite being someone who gets easily attached, I can only remember 3 occasions.
Maybe the first was my fault.
Maybe I'm not quite over the second.
The third was freedom.
Thing is, I want to be able to be more free. And not waste my time on people I know won't stay.
I don't want to waste your time, either. I know I'm not the easiest person to like sometimes.
So if you truly, deep in your heart, think even the slightest bit that you're just wasting your time reading this, please--I'm not asking you, I'm telling you--unfriend me now.
Unfriend me and never talk to me again. You can be glad, but don't be sorry. Don't ever be sorry for doing what your heart tells you.
All things considered: thank you, it was nice to have met you. :)
(And to those remaining, you will never in a million years understand how happy you make me.)