Super Show 2

Apr 11, 2010 13:54

Scratch that part out where I said they didn't do any stuff that hadn't already been done elsewhere. Because apparently, Zhou Mi had his first(?) solo last night. FFFFFF ♥ I'm thankful they waited until the last SSII stop. I couldn't have screamed louder. ;3;

Here's a fancam of the whole thing. WASN'T HIS HAIR AMAZING ♥ (Can anyone tell me what the title of the song is? Thank you xelfishx! It's Frankie Wong's 只要你快樂.)

If anyone's wondering, this is also pretty much my view of them. Like, I was this far from them. But I was sitting more at the center, which was a good spot for seeing the whole of the stage, but it could have been better in terms of my camera's zoom...which was awful and grainy. 8|

Other things:
♥ Eunhyuk wouldn't stop with the "Pilipino" rap. xD Even while other members tried to talk, he was all, "Pilipino (etc etc)" He wore a straw hat for good measure. He also had Godot shades (which Heechul visibly hated), and - be still my heart - a fur collar. Lmao, I just had to mention that.

♥ During the member intro, Shindong showed off his Tagalog skills by counting 1-10 by memory. ...Then by bringing out a piece of paper and reading the rest. xD "ANO BA YAN?!"

♥ Yesung did a hand stand during his intro. And wore the funniest shades that took up half of his face. Also, he spent the most time directly in front of me, so I was screaming his name like crazy. ALSO, there was YeWook. 8D

♥ Typical make-the-girls-swoon Kyuhyun. XD Kissed a fan's hand, and ate dried mangoes thrown to him on stage.

♥ Typical dangerous-Cinderella Heechul, as well~ And fff, he kept dancing and randomly spazzing throughout the show. It was so cute~

♥ Someone threw Henry a pair of (hopefully clean, lmao) briefs. He put them on over his pants and started running around with them until the end of the show.

♥ Among other things thrown were condoms. Eeteuk was playing with them, and Sungmin was laughing his head off when he saw what they were. xD

♥ When Siwon asked us to watch "Oh My Lady", everyone screamed, obviously having been following the series. The rest of the members went all, "Woooah! They watch!" and Siwon got all embarassed. At some point, he slipped off his coat for a five-second view of his font, lmao. TOO SHORT.

♥ They sang Chu! Oh god, I knew every word. OTL What's Heechul!Sulli's nickname? xD Chulli? Though I think he had more fun doing Gee.

♥ Puff the Magic Dragon was so freaking hilarious, oh god. They hardly stuck to the script.

I'm going to buy the DVD. *u* And definitely get a better seat for Super Show 3~

*eta* Oh gosh, I just remembered: I dreamt about Suju last night. xD I forget what it was about, but I remember Heechul being there and him doing something that made me squeal like no tomorrow. I woke up and wondered if it really happened...

zhou mi, love, hoshit--hot men, super junior, kim heechul, suju, lol, concert, yaaaay~ :d, choi siwon, super show 2

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