nothing changes.

Apr 10, 2010 11:43

Procrastinating with the things I think I have to do but can't seem to remember what they were, and watching Drrr!! episode 13.

The new OP is going to take some getting used to, since we all loved the 1st. The ED's slightly nicer, though both are still sort of slow for me. You need something intense to match with Shizuo throwing the stop sign, y'know? And not by having it in slow-mo.

Regarding the episode itself: and the plot thickens!! °A°
People are never who they seem to be. Also, gosh, do people still walk into dark alleys at night? Or is Anri the only exception. :|

Here's that icon meme everyone's doing:

ONE ; How do you feel right now?

Confused, a little turned on. Very, very hot. (Manila weather sucks)

TWO ; What's your favorite pastime?

Artsy-fartsy stuff.

THREE ; Do you consider yourself a strange person?

Pretty much.

FOUR ; What's your main fandom?

Drrr!! and Hetalia~


ShiChul~ I don't have icons of others, though.

SIX ; How do you describe yourself?

Blackhole. 8|

SEVEN ; What's your favorite icon to use besides your default?

EIGHT ; Do you have an icon of your future husband/wife?


NINE ; Do you have a WTF icon?

TEN ; How do you feel towards love?

ELEVEN ; Saddest icon?

TWELVE ; Happiest icon?

THIRTEEN ; Crackiest icon?

durarara!!, anime, icons, meme

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