Our house just got featured in a magazine! Something about the food or the garden, I'm not sure. I haven't read it. But it's a pretty interesting feeling to see your living room on the glossy pages. Another article is set to come out next month.
Also, I found some books my uncle wrote/co-authored laying around. They're mostly about literally the history of the world and of the Philippines, particularly ancient relics and architecture. This is the same uncle that has practically memorized our family tree from the very first use of our last name.
...It really makes me wonder how a person so knowledgeable about everything in the world, can't figure out how to retrieve his Facebook password without my help.
Oh well. Old people. /shrugs.
In other news, SS Team 12.5 hours in!
Kimchi - Lv. 23 |
Nuggets - Lv. 22 |
Popcorn - Lv. 22
Breakfast - Lv. 21 |
Barbeque - Lv. 20 |
Fettucini - Lv. 20
(Yes, that is Fettucini the Dratini. I'm happy to have a decent water Pokemon on the team. All I need is fire or a fighting one, and I'll be content. Where to get them is the question.)
Training before taking on Whitney because I feel that I've been lagging on levels, after the encounters with Bugsy and Silver in Azalea. Maybe once a few of them reach level 25 or something.
Btw, I'm having too much fun with that Voltorb flip game. There needs to be more prizes. /plays it another thousand times~
Also, Togepi is taking so long to evolve. orz