shoop da woop

Apr 05, 2010 13:19

I got contact lenses today! Because I need to start seeing stuff again. orz

Wearing them is kind of scary, with the knowledge that something is that close to your eye and all, but they're definitely better than glasses. I'm content. :U

In unrelated news, my new copy of HGSS seems to be working better so far than the first did, so I'm hoping I can relax with this one. Feliks' current team 3.5 hours in is:

• Kimchi the Chikorita (♂) - Lv. 13 - Bashful
• Nuggets the Pidgey (♀) - Lv. 11 - Mild
• Crouton the Geodude (♀) - Lv. 11 - Hardy
• Popcorn the Mareep (♀) - Lv. 10 - Lax
• Barbeque the Rattata (♀) - Lv. 9 - Docile
• Egg!

(What effect do the personalities have, exactly? o_o)

I'm still also playing T&T. Have I ever told anyone how much I loved 3-2?
Though now, I'm getting all the cases mixed up in my head. ;;

ace attorney, pokemon, games

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