please ignore unless you hacked me at some point.

Mar 29, 2010 01:01

I haven't logged into Gaiaonline since the first quarter of 2009. But just for the heck of it, just to make sure I still had my stuff there, I logged in to Yu-Tan today. ...Or at least, attempted to.

The password I kept inputting was wrong, and I couldn't get a recheck sent to my e-mail, because apparently, there was no account under that address.

My first thought was it could possibly have been deleted in a surge of purging the few millions of inactive accounts Gaia has. So I searched for my account, and thankfully, it was still there.

Thing is, it was hardly dressed, and quite obviously, I have been hacked.

You see, I was determined to lay low in Gaia to prevent such a thing. I never whore myself out. I never wear extremely expensive stuff, but only wear items that someone who has simply spent as long a time on Gaia as I have (even with the year-long hiatuses), could afford.

I am incredibly careful and tight-lipped with my passwords, or any sort of information relating to any of my accounts. oh_hi_mdear is the only person in this entire earth that knows my password (to almost everything), and that is okay, for I trust her with my life.

I will not bother listing out what I lost, or just how much (most definitely in the tens of millions), because I cannot be sure if any of it is still in my inventory. But I say to you, I worked my butt off for the past 6 years for everything that account owns. I doubt I've spent more time on anything else besides this. And you low-lifes can do it, too, if you stopped being so pathetic and ruining the rest of humanity's image.

So to you, whoever you are.
I don't know how you did it, nor am I interested in finding out, but because flipping you off as much as I want to over the internet is considered bad netiquette, I just hope you get what's coming to you. I hope karma does it's job. I hope that the universe will one day soon conspire to BRUTALLY AND VIOLENTLY MURDER LAZY DICKS LIKE YOU TO THE DEGREE YOU DESERVE AND/OR TORMENT YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR MISERABLE EXCUSE OF A LIFE UNTIL YOU REACH THE VERY DEPTHS OF HELL.

And no less.

Sincerely (go die in a fire),

raaaage, fuck, the world is full of assholes, what is this fuckery?, gaia

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