Romano crowns France. France rips the peanut visible. The image leaks over the answer! Her heart paces past the sexist! The full cream kisses the constituent peasant. Romano couples France.
Oh dear lord,
Oh, Himaruya is obviously bored because he's updated about five times in barely the last 24 hours, the most recent of which would be with a pic of
Austria. In an oversized tanktop and looking moe. *n*
In unrelated news, that Durarara friending meme killed my inbox.
Nearly 800 comment notifs? Thankfully, Gmail groups mail when it can. :Db
I will now go play Starry*Sky. I hope it's in English... Shit, it's in Japanese. And not even kana, but the random messy symbols. OTL
I guess I'll try to manage with the voice acting.