this filthy jar reminds me of a puzzle

Mar 27, 2010 15:55

Professor Layton and the Curious Village is finished!
...after so long, lmao. /got lazy in the beginning.

I'll download Diabolical Box some day.

I'm curious about one thing though... Rather, concerned.

Because in the end, Flora chose to let the village stay, right? And have the "people" continue living as they did. But, won't that mean that Bruno will have to keep fixing them? And practically for no reason but to uphold Flora's wishes (which I suppose he doesn't mind, but still).

Bruno's the only human left there. And he's old. How long can he keep kidnapping the people like that until the villagers themselves find him out, and learn about themselves? Or if they don't, how long can Bruno keep it up, period? If he dies, eventually, the rest of the village will, too, making Flora's request pointless, and the fortune hidden forever.

I doubt Bruno had any time/opportunity to have a family, so no can can continue his and the Baron's legacy. It's kind of sad.

Anyway, I'm glad they give you a chance to finish the puzzles. I wanted to. Only found 105 out of 120, five of which I needed a walkthrough because they were too difficult. orz

Oh, since we're talking about DS games, I REALLY WANT SOUL SILVER. >:( You guys are making it sound so good. But no .nds file online is working. And I miss the non-remakes. Haha. Maybe I'll go back to Diamond or Silver some day soon.

pokemon, successsss~~~!, axis powers hetalia, professor layton, games

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