Mar 08, 2010 13:46

Today, I am happy for three reasons.

Firstly: I was able to survive the Calculus final without a calculator~ (even if the teacher was all, "Ria, you better get a perfect score!" and piling on the pressure orz. Probably because of the fiasco that was my 92/A- in the mid-term. FOR SHAME. T_T)

Secondly: I was online just before going to school, and saw this. /flails at 6AM.
It would have been nice if Shisus waited until April, but I guess Cinderella was too big a temptation~ It's okay~ I understand~

Lastly, Henry, who moves me to tears.

I can't understand people who could dedicate so much energy to hating one another. I just don't get it. And it hurts me to see people as amazing and talented and deserving of love as Henry to be so sad.

I mean, it's just as he should be. He should definitely be upset with people like that. But god, how could these people ever call themselves ELFs when they go around doing stuff like this!

I know people are upset about the whole Hangeng issue, and I am too, which is why I refuse to talk about it because it's just so sad, but please. Give these boys the respect and support they deserve. Not the frustration you feel about things you cannot change, or things that were never their fault. IF YOU CAN'T LOVE THEM, AT LEAST RESPECT THEM!

And I know I sound more mad, but I am worlds happy of the fact that Henry finally stood up for himself and Mi. I hope some people would actually learn to open their hearts to these two wonderful people. They deserves so much more than this!! ♥

love, super junior m, super junior, happy, suju

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