Teacher's Day

Feb 12, 2010 13:59

Since mass took up most of the morning, I didn't have a class with 4-3, the kids my counterpart is actually in charge of (Homeroom, besides Math). I taught 4-1, then had a double period with 4-4.

4-1 was nice. They were asking me to crack jokes and stuff, but I'm not really good at that, so I just smiled. Easily excited bunch; made the activity a lot more fun than it is.

4-4 was a little rougher. Since mass, they were really the noisiest, messiest group, and I had to reprimand them a few times. They thought I was going to be really snobby, but I think they didn't mind as much after my class with them. /is a snob when she has to be, sorry!

So aside from the stuff they were already learning (graphs, etc), I had to clear up a bit of Geometry for them, so we got to that point, too.

This student was having problems (er, self-mutilation, anyone?), so I stayed behind to talk to her about it. I think even I got teary-eyed a little. .w. But yeah... I don't know. I'm not expecting to get through with her or anything, but I hope she thinks about it. She'll get over it with time, I believe.

It's hard being a teacher, especially when you want to be both the nice guy, and the disciplining guy. But I do have fun teaching Math, whether it be to 4th graders, or 4th years. :P

work, fake holiday, school

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