Jesus-kun is 28 today.

Feb 01, 2010 19:25

Sometimes, I make such a big deal out of you-- you and your over-sized purses and glasses, your metallic and/or sequined suits, your height, the hair you dye every month or so...

But then again.

There's your laughter, your hands; those eyes of yours. Those lips, that tongue, that voice that just drowns me in everything I want to feel. And I know that every moment I waste for you, is a moment well-spent.

"Thank Jesus for you" would be a little too redundant, wouldn't it?

Happy birthday, dear Ruki. May you live to have a bajillionmillionzillion more lives, doing what you do best (fanservice). ♥

love, the gazette, messages, ruki, happy (insert occasion here) to you!, birthday, pic

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