Our Plans For Revenge

Oct 14, 2009 18:10

☠ Hetalia day Philippines is on the 24th, in UP. Which would have been a great and accessible venue, if it weren't for the fact that I'm packed on the 24th. D| Math Olympiad qualifier on that day...and I'm already skipping 2nd finals at school for it. So even if I ditch PMO, I'd go to school. Bah. :|

GHOST HEART PV is out. I need a few more listens to really get the song (bridge was cool!), though the PV's pretty cute. But...Maya... XD On any other girl, I think that hairstyle's really cute. On him, I find it amusing. But when he has to sing with it...lol. The looks don't match the voice? Idk, I just find the combination really strange.

☠ English test today was whaaaaaat. 8| I guessed like, 70% of the time. But I heard some were right. Whee~ Even so, I hate you, Hamlet. 8| AP College Algebra test, on the other hand, was so-so. :/

☠ EL FILIBUSTERISMO. 2nd TO THE LAST TEST ON A BOOK FOR FILIPINO CLASS IS TOMORROW. DESPITE THE 19 CHAPTERS I WILL CRAM TONIGHT, I AM SO FREAKING GLAD THAT IT'S ALMOST OVER. FUCK YESSSS~~ because I don't recall being given a second book to read this year thank gooood. I hate reading for class. 8|

Now, I might as well try to make good with my last moments with highschool Filipino lit. And oh crap, Economics test tomorrow, too. D| /off to study~ /o/

axis powers hetalia, asdfghjklolcapslock, lol, blegh, tests, yaaaay~ :d, music releases!!, woe is me ;_;, lm.c, schedule, videos, school

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