SUP. Kapatiran was funfunfun! I'm still uploading pics on Facebook, so you'll have to deal with written explanation. xD
We had costumes (like I said, I was Bart, kapsis!Alexa was Lisa), but lol at the other people's costumes. XD Austin Powers, Al Pacino, Lady Gaga (I had fun playing with the wig...), Winnie the Pooh who looked like a pregnant/fat person...and others. xD
1st and 2nd game were conducted near the school swimming pool. For the 1st game, we had to construct a makeshift raft with simple items (masking tape, kickboards, a floatie), to pull two plastic balls (not taped to the raft) across the pool without having them fall off. They had me join, apparently since it involved building something. So there. We built it under my suggestions, taped around it exaggeratedly, and began pulling it--first one on the other side wins. A ball fell out at some point, and I thought we were disqualified, but it got stuck by a single strip of tape that just happened to be there. XD It got us 3rd place, anyway~
2nd game was trying to grab floating objects in the middle of the pool using non-stiff noodle-floaties. It was hilarious. xD Didn't join it, but I had fun taking pictures and shouting. I was shouting practically the whole day. /coughs. xD Anyway, we got 2nd place!
Breaktime. Played with other people's costumes, and shared the brownies I baked in a hurry the night before (because we are supposed to bring food, but by the time I remembered, stores were closed). Presentations after.
The presentations really killed my camera memory. XD Especially of our in-house band, DAMSEL SAVES THE HERO. I recorded the whole set. Friend/drummer Angie wants me to upload the videos so I will, later. And I'll show you, dear flist, because I am so in love with these guys (Jamie, Gen, Angie, Denise, Monet--BATCH0910 IS PROUD OF YOU♥)!!
Anyway. Then...lyric game (3rd place. Argh xD), and open-forum/♥ to ♥ talk with kapsisters. I had to shout over the rain/everyone. xD; And while trying to scrape the dried wax from our candles off the floor, some got wedged in my nail and caused it to bleed. Annoying. ._.;
Around 6, cleaning-up was done and everyone left. After being stuck alone in the caf for almost an hour, Judith's dad came and brought me home.
Everyone at home is mad at me now and I don't really care, because though I admit to forgetting to ask my busdriver in the morning if he was going to be the one to pick me up (BUT HEY I ASKED HIM YESTERDAY TO TEXT ME THAT NIGHT OR TELL ME THIS MORNING), he said absolutely nothing about it. So I asked Judith to bring me home, because she's a busmate. She didn't know whether the bus was gonna come either.
But geez, if the driver was already here, and I wasn't replying to his texts (because I never bring my phone to school), why didn't he text the busmate that was with me?!?! Instead of complaining straight to my mom who then called Moon's house for me.
OR JESUS CHRIST, couldn't he have gone looking instead of staying at the gate? Which was so fucking far from where I was waiting with Judith, and DUDE it was raining so hard. WHAT THE FUCK. I don't even count it as my fault anymore. Idiot who's too lazy to drive, but not too lazy to complain, like he always does. UGH. :| Kills my good mood.