We Are The Cause Of Your Headache

Apr 07, 2009 00:30

LOL @ the number of people who IM'd me in a panic about this post. XD Late for April Fool's, but eh. If I were to commit suicide, friends, I'd be completely cryptic and say it in 10 words or less. So look out for that kind of post XDDD

Anyhow. I went on a downloading spree yesterday. Literally. I mean, 1.64GB in 5-ish hours. xD Mostly music, some vids. But I did get this 375MB Ultra High Quality version of Distress & Coma. What can I say, I love the vid. And the quality really killed me. *A*

Which prompted a header change...!
bent_cigarettes bent_cigarettes bent_cigarettes bent_cigarettes

It's kinda-sorta crap, because I didn't really care. And it's my screenshots that're crap--the video's schweet. *o* Also, don't mind the rest of the layout.. I'm far too lazy to change the codes for the colors... but I'll get to that.

Moving on. Completed my GazE discog ('cept for some B-sides...), all the Luna Sea singles, An Cafe, DELUHI, Despa, Lolita23q, some others...oh, and Kra. Crap guys, I LOVE Kra XD;; I realized it only now. I've listened to them for quite a while, but still. Keiyuuuu, I'm gonna steal you off one day. No one's gonna notice ♥

...Aaaand, I'm lazy. =_= We might bake shit though, because we're not going anywhere for Holy Week. Which is fine, since I honestly don't feel like moving. My fucking uterus hurts. XD

*EDIT* BUT OKAY HOLY CRAP MIYAVI CONFIRMED IT apparently. but idk. i'd like to believe it, because FUCK ISN'T THAT AWESOME, I AM SO HAPPY FOR HIM ;_________; AAAAHH i feel all tinglyyyynnngh. CONGRATULATIONS お父さん!!!!



*Edit 2* Grampa's doing a little better. I mean, one less thing to worry about. Prolly too TMI, so I won't say what it is, but hell, I'm happy that he can be more comfortable now. ;~;

messages, family, miyavi, happy, asdfghjkl, yaaaay~ :d, bored, hnnnnnngh, love, music, jrock, download, asdfghjklolcapslock, stupid physical health is stupid, lol, eljay, kra, happy (insert occasion here) to you!

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