Kamukha Mo Si Paraluman

Feb 06, 2009 22:24

Yelling singing along to the Pokemon theme song with like, 5 other people, in the rain... was fun. xD Even when we shifted to BITTEREMOLOVESONGS I was still feelin' it~

Anyhow. Went to the dentist after school today. :[ I remember when I used to be a twisted kid and loved going to the dentist (mmm toothpaste). Now.. eh. :( Going again on Thursday.

On the other hand, tomorrow, I'm not going home! From ADMU in the morning, UP in the PM (oshit I didn't study x_x), I'm going straight to Gege's house to work, then sleep over. Then Sunday, the seamstress for my prom dress is coming...


but I am totally getting Arena37c SPECIAL PSC 10th Anniversary issue. Because. It's. Awesome. Though there's no LM.C and 12012 like in NeoGen32. :(

Also, can anyone recommend a ScReW song? I'm kinda sorta loving Byou atm♥

And lastly...I WON'T DENY IT ANY LONGER. Shou is looking way hot in his Vandalize clothes *fangirls*. What's with me and liking guys with fur over their shoulders? That or boas.

psc, there's no such thing as tomorrow, hoshit--hot men, screw, arena37c, neo genesis, busy, orz, music, jrock, alice nine., fuuuuuun, stupid physical health is stupid, lol, i'm a retard, question!

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