It's done it's done it's done. Art is done!! *dies*
Gosh. I hope it's okay,
kira_yukari xD; Btw, you never did send me details for the collab you wanted, but i think neither of us have time at this point. Sorry :'c Maybe we can do one not for the project :D?
In other news, a classmate from Japan, Yuka, emailed me a few days ago. Out of the blue, but I'm so happy they haven't forgotten me yet ♥
Seriously, I miss her, and I miss the rest of my lunch buddies back in Koriyama...which is like.. 80% of the class' female population.. xD Though still. :( ♥
Yuka told me.. that my Valentine still remembers me. Kinda made me happy~~ =゜w゜=
itsumademou, if you find someone by the name of Adachi Toshiki--small, skinny boy with big eyes--stuff him in a box and mail him to me.
So now. xD I will allow myself to read.. but then I have to do homework later. Hmph. :c