Hot Knives

Sep 25, 2008 21:29

Eew, gross. D:

9-26 (Fri)
Jude's birthday bash!

9-27 (Sat)
ADMU School of Science and Engineering

9-30 (Tues)
Filipino MQT (Noli 29-48)
ADMU bonfire!

10-1 (Wed)
No school~
Time with lifeisnyaa

10-2 (Thurs)
AP World History MQT

10-3 (Fri)
English MQT
Adv. Algebra MQT
Class encounter (overnight @ school)

10-4 (Sat)
Medical Dental Mission Prep
Overnight @ Toni's

10-5 (Sun)
Medical Dental Mission

busy, orz, lists, ateneo, what is this fuckery?, lifeisnyaa is so nyaa, tests, schedule, birthday, school

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