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itsumademou September 9 2008, 10:21:09 UTC
I stealz this list.

It is all so true. XD Except that I'm not supposed to drink here. >_> But no one can tell how old a foreigner is, so they all let me buy it anyway, aha.

Anddd dude, if you know his name and he works with YFU, I might know him/know people who know him. Lol.


avenue September 9 2008, 10:25:00 UTC
Cider isn't considered, eh? xD Host dad let me have some. But otherwise, yeah, no drinking opportunities for me. xD

I DON'T KNOW HIS LAST NAME sob. or maybe it was his first. Idk.
He's a YFU volunteer, actually. Being alumni, he was allowed to "work" for them, but not really as an employee.
Please ask someone for him ;_;


itsumademou September 9 2008, 10:37:15 UTC
Ah. My host parents let me drink wine, but that's it. And they're always like SHH DONT TELL ANYONE K? >_>

Errrm. Do you know his first name? I'll ask, lol.


avenue September 9 2008, 10:44:09 UTC
He introduced himself as Hiro, but his name's Hiroyuki. Not sure where he was in a year-program for. Prolly somewhere in Europe because I remember him saying something about knowing 3 languages, Jap, English and his host country's.

volunteer details: He volunteereed to meet the YFUPhilippines/Korea group in the Olympic Youth Center under the MONBUSHO scholarship, at January 24. He worked with fellow volunteers Erika and Kota there.

That's all I remember xD


itsumademou September 9 2008, 10:46:11 UTC
Lol, I'll ask really.

My friend is with YFU and she won one of those scholarships, so if he did the same thing this year, she might know him. =]


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