[fic] Hope, Now [Uruha x Ruki (the GazettE) - 1/?]

Sep 04, 2008 06:34

Title: Hope, Now
Author: bent_cigarettes
Fandom: The GazettE
Type: Chaptered (1/?); song fic to “Seed” by The Academy Is…
Pairing/s: URUHA/RUKI (Uruki)
Rating: PG for now
Warning/s: Mild language. ~ 1680 words
Summary: Despite his occupation, Ruki the con artist struggles to find something real in his life.
Disclaimer: I don't own The GazettE or Suzuki Motors ( ( Read more... )

fic, the gazette, !fic - the gazette, uruki

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shizukasou September 4 2008, 12:14:07 UTC
This is a very orginal plot! It's intriguing!
And it's an Uruki story! I love this pairing ♥
Your writing is very smooth, it's catchy...Hope you'll update soon, I'm so much interested in this~


avenue September 4 2008, 12:31:11 UTC
I'm glad you think so, for all statements. :D
With my writing, I try, really, that's why I force myself to spend more time with it just so I can catch errors. I still think I need a beta-reader, though xD

Indeed, please look out for the next chapter, I've already started. :D


shizukasou September 4 2008, 12:37:12 UTC
Hmm...I would willingly do it, but English's not my first language D:
And, if you always write as extremely good as this one, I don't even think you need one xD
Yay! How efficient! I'll stick around here, then *rubs hands*


avenue September 4 2008, 12:39:46 UTC
xD It isn't my first language either.
But thank you very much. :D I never seem to be contented with the things I do. xD

Free time is a blessing ♥

and gosh, Uru looks so gorgeous in your icon


shizukasou September 4 2008, 12:47:18 UTC
Oh really? Wow o__o
I''m double impressed now xD
Well, I think everyone is never satisfied enough with things they do. Human mind is a complete mess xD

Ndehehehe, even when he's not posing he's so damn godlike


avenue September 4 2008, 12:49:13 UTC
xD I suck at my native language, I admit.
But yes, I agree. ♥

Ikr? It's like... ACTION SHOT! *zoolander*


shizukasou September 4 2008, 13:05:39 UTC
Me too! I speak English better than Italian...lol~
...Cause we love complicated things, ne? ♥

Hell yeah! I love them even more than photoshoots ♥


avenue September 4 2008, 13:11:03 UTC
Oh my god, I want to learn Italian. DDD: I have.. like, 3 stupid entries around here in Italian. Teach me. I'm like, at basics rofl. orz And cuss words. orz;

Io sono stanco. orz;;;;;;

I.. love them all *Q*


shizukasou September 4 2008, 13:21:42 UTC
Whoa, really? I'll gladly teach you something :D
XDD First things to learn of a foreign language are cuss words - LOL
*claps* Good, good.

Let's see if you can answer this - Ciao, come stai?

It just has to be Uruha and we can die happy, in every way he is, ne? xQ__


avenue September 4 2008, 13:29:37 UTC
Sweet. D: We need to get on IM together *overly eager, rofl*
I-I know what that means..!! I'm just.. not sure how to answer 8D;;

Uhm..benne, gratzie. E tu? (?)

agreed. 8D


shizukasou September 4 2008, 13:36:08 UTC
Rofl - oh yeah, sure. Even though I hate IM and just own a MSN address, lol~
Yeah, the answer's correct, just spelled badly ^^
It should be "Bene, grazie" ^-^

Jrockers are a fucking addiction. And Uruha holds the crown of 'em. Gyaaaah.


avenue September 4 2008, 13:40:18 UTC
Italian is hard to spell, admittedly. D8


shizukasou September 4 2008, 13:49:03 UTC
Yeah, I know. It spells words differently from most foreign languages, so I understand sometimes it can be reeeally annoying.
But that's what I'm here for! *superhero*


avenue September 4 2008, 13:51:28 UTC
Yus, yus. 8D
Add me? ♥ Then I'll drum up an Italian post tomorrow--totally need to keep up with my self-tutoring--then you can correct.. whatever. xD Or IM, if you decided not to hate it as much tomorrow. ♥

*goes off to bed*


shizukasou September 4 2008, 13:55:08 UTC
Yeah, hon, I'll do. ♥
I'll gladly take a look and smooth it out ^-^
And I'll try to find a way to send you my IM, of course. ♥
Oyasumi nasai~


avenue September 5 2008, 08:56:22 UTC
It's the grammar that really kills me.

..Idk, just add me on IM then. xD It's in my profile.


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