Italiano Due

Jul 28, 2008 00:49

L-lol what am I doing. Crappy Italian is my fault.
If you're somehow fluent, and I'm butchering the language, sry. 8D

Nessuna scuola domani!
Hahaha, dopo molta confusione... Poiche la gente stava dicendo le cose differenti.
La TV stava dicendo le cose differenti. Inoltre il Internet.

Molto divertente. Stavo comunicando con forse sei genti allo stesso tempo. Tutti stavano chiedendo notizie sulla scuola. Ma siamo felici che ci sara nessuna scuola domani, poiche sono stanco.

In altre notizie~!

Odio come la macchina fotografica di Gou è difettosa... ma e inutile. Gou prende spesso le immagini. Ugualmente male... x___x

Ma... Gou chiamato la ultimo immagine "beautiful boy" (è la verità). Amo Gou-marito! ♥

ps. Il Diner Dash 2 e un gioco molto stressante.

Traduzione in Inglese/English translation
No school tomorrow!
Hahaha, after much confusion... because people were saying different things.
Even the TV was saying different things. Also the internet.

It was very funny. I was talking to maybe 6 people at the same time. They were all asking about school. But we're happy that there is no school tomorrow, because we are tired.

In other news~!

I hate how Gou's camera is so bad... but he's vain. He takes pictures of himself often. Too bad... x___x

But... Gou entitled the last picture "Beautiful Boy" (so true). I love you, husband! ♥

ps. Diner Dash 2 is one very stressful game.

I think this might help with my Italian. o_O But I don't even know if I'm doing it right, because I don't know any one who is fluent. xDD So teach me.. if any of you wonderful people are. Still, I might just get better--at least at remembering vocabulary words, simple sentence structures... IDK. 8|


love, hoshit--hot men, jrock, games, fake holiday, megamasso, pics, blegh, italian, school

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