Sheesh, are we at the point where we're talking about same-sex relationships/marriages and how it's all so wrong and condemned by god? Because I hate these lessons. I have too much to say, too little right to say it. Why? Because I'm supposed to be "Christian", too.
*sighs, shakes head* I don't see how same-sex relations are "death". I really don't. Didn't someone up there give us free will and choices? If what two people have is true, undeniable love, no one is getting hurt. Nothing is wrong.
Ugh. Well, I yanked the teacher out after class, talked to him for some 20 minutes (missing Geometry..) because I really, really needed to air things out. Because I don't like this... close-minded-ness that people have, whether Catholic or not. (When I went back in, all the classmates were asking if I was in trouble. Hm.)
Anyway. ._.; It made my day a little iffy. So, solace in AP World History results. I got a 95 (A?) :D :D :D also, we had our last test today, Algebra. I think I puked my brain out, but that's okay. ._.; If anything, it's the English test that'll kill my straight A's. :| Dumb no-partial-point-policy (will probably get a B-).
Let's see.. tomorrow is the Community Service Interaction with public school children. No classes, technically. Hooray! And Max's Japanese exchange student is coming tomorrow, too. Which is cool *o* She'll get to talk with Shizuka.
Speaking of exchange programs, I'm looking into some more (w-while there's still time). Particularly scholarships, preferrably in Japan (lol again?), the US, or Italy. Or basically anywhere good that I can find. I contacted AFS-Philippines already, and I'll see if they return the call in two weeks.
windblownglass? Look for some!!!
Meanwhile. Will look for matches Zaza.. you gave me cigs but no lighter? and write fics. Brb.
(ps. do you hear it? the weekend's coming.)
itsumademou, was yours a scholarship?