Aug 22, 2004 12:28
i've had it with dial-up. it's free, and it used to be somewhat reliable, but it's gone steadily downhill. i get booted every 10 minutes and the other day it actually had the nerve to connect at 9.6. so, anyone have any high-speed providers they can recommend?
tomorrow's the first day of school. bah.
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kelly just got an adelphia cable modem installed at her house, they did not charge her the installation fee. most places will waive it if you complain or start to back out of the deal over the fee. we went to adelphia's office and they just waived it without us having to say anything. their office is by holy cross cemetary, on w.160th and brookpark. they might also have a deal with the cable tv, if you didn't care about losing your satellite tv, that might make it cheaper.
And if you are using SBC for phone and decide with to go with a cable modem I would seriously look into switching phone companies if you use services like Call Waiting and Caller ID. I think our plan even includes line backer but i'm not 100% sure because Jim just ends up taking care of everything inside.
You can have Dish Tv and a cable modem from different companies, you'll just need to run two coax lines into the house, one from the dish and one from the cable company.
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