ho lookie what i fount

Aug 30, 2007 22:54

...doing teh flowerish foursome err......you know who you are ¬¬ *snicker*

teh acronym: sweetness. i'm an ass-bot a sin-bot. sin-bot....... *cough*......
teh bot: teh bot looks snotty. kia'll tell you that that would've matched me with my snobbish!keigo attitude o.o although, originally, i really wanted to have to have this head because look at that nice and friendly grin:

......but teh tola bot looks snotty and exasperated and deadpanned at the same time. teh face has teh "=.= who teh fuck are you" expression

teh acronym:

homg skilled in infiltration


teh bot:

it matches your acronym

ore-sama otaku

teh acronym: logical assassination
doesn't sound right... if tola's to our spawn, the word logical... that's kinda iffy
teh bot: kinda reminds me of one of tola's pics
if tola was robotized

and finally....

teh acronym: o.o naa-chan's a nice bot
teh bot: gave naa-chan a nice bot.....since naa-chan's got a nice bot ^-^;;; eheh o.o naa-chan's teh only un-asssin...un-SIN-bot in our fantastic flowery foursome *cough* bunch
ps. ahh right......linkie here since it was cluttering teh page: Get Your Cyborg Name

amusements, bored

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