Nov 30, 2009 22:29
So I have been put in a situation where I have to decide if I want to stand by what I believe and move out of my parents house OR do I just give in and get the H1N1 shot?
I dont want the shot due to its newness and it not really being tested. It was rushed into being made, and I have even heard that the creators who made the shot wont take it themselves because they are too afraid of what might happen with out the testing.
I believe that IF I were to get the flu I would have gotten it already, But I guess I could also possibly get it in the next couple weeks since I will be helping selling Christmas trees. Ill be out in the cold for a period of time, with access to a heated building. So I am not worried at all that I am gunna get the flu at all.
But is it worth losing my 'free so far' home? I have no car, I would be moving in with John so I have a place to go. BUT trying to get to work in the morning will be hard. He goes to work 2 hours before me. And If I moved in I would feel obliged to help pay off the house payment since it will be my responsibllity too within a year or so. But I dont have the money to do that yet. Loans are alone 500 a month... and I get atleast that from work a month if I am lucky to get my pay on time.
*sigh* I am so torn.... I dont know what to do. I want to move out yes but I want to do that when I have a car so I am not a burden to John. =( so unsure of myself now...