We had our first training session yesterday. You might think that trying to teach a bunch of teenage girls to concentrate would be difficult but, actually, it's a lot harder than that. Although I do have to give them credit, they really did try, it's just going to take a lot of practice.
However, I do think that we managed to convey to them the importance of learning these concentration techniques. That success in battle is not merely dependant on strength and fighting skills, but also the ability to utilize your five senses to anticipate danger and be constantly aware of your surroundings while not allowing yourself to become distracted. To be able to quiet the conscious mind and listen to your subconcsious instincts. To focus your thoughts and your energy soley on the task at hand. These techniques are not only useful in a battle situation, but they can also be quite helpful in more ordinary situations such as taking tests in school or completing projects in your career.
Although the girls have a long way to go yet in mastering these techniques, I can't help but be pleased with the overall outcome of these first sessions. Between the morning, and evening sessions, all of the girls did attend (except for Caridad, who has decided to take off on her own little adventure. I can only hope that she doesn't get herself killed.)and there was surprisingly little complaining. I'm sure tomorrows sessions will be even better, as the girls seem to be far more interested in weapons.
On another matter, I received some good news of my own this morning. The vice-principal job that I interviewed for last week, is mine. I still get the satisfaction of working with children that I got as a principal, but the vice-principal position comes with a lot less paperwork. It's also only a part-time position, 11 AM to 4 PM, so I will still be able to be here for all of the training sessions, except for Monday afternoons when I'll be in staff meetings, but I'm still really pleased with this outcome.
In fact, I've decided to celebrate. I sent
a little something to Faith that I think she'll like. Now I just have to hope that she accepts the dinner invitation that accompanied it.