Sep 06, 2005 20:23
Alrighty, so I'm gonna try and keep this thing updated. As much as possible. So that people can keep track of what I'm up to and what I've been up to.
I stopped playing Neopets. I'll keep checking it every now and then so those of you who email me at my neomail account can keep doing that.
A couple nights ago I had a dream that we got purple or navy blue shirts at work and today I found out we ARE getting some new shirts. Can't wait to see what colour they are.
I had three new ideas for stories so on my trip to Toronto that I'm going on I plan on working like a mad woman on whatever I can story wise. Should be interesting. I wrote and awesome beginning for one of my new ideas. I love it. I think it's cute. ^^
My room is a mess, but what else can I do when I only have three walls? The new one should be up by the time I get home from this trip. If it isn't then I'M going to do it. It really can't be THAT hard! It's a wall! YOu get 2x4's and put them together with a hammer and nails until it looks like a wall.
I really can't even afford this trip. Not that I can't afford to go (that's all paid for) but I can't really afford the time off from work. Ah well.... everything for a reason... right?
My website is moving... slowly. I need to work on it more. I'll post it up here eventually. The new addy that is. Until then enjoy the current (and very old) site.
And that's all I've got to say at the moment... except for the fact that I should be packing/claring space for the carpenter to build that wall I was talking about/not doing crap all on here.
got lots done at work today...