Sep 14, 2004 16:08
This shit is getting out of hand
what did I do
to find this land
and find out I was you
Theres something wrong with my brain. It's all squishy. It's absorbing stuff, but I'm having trouble getting the information back out.
I think I am dropping english
I think I am dropping I.C.T
I think I might take drama
Just because they say i can't
I'm fucked off. If anything else goes wrong I'm gunna bungee jump without the rope.
hello ^_^ how are we all? well I got tripped up today, when i called him a prick he said "swettie" and stuck his fingers up at me. Well, i lost it, "bite me asshole" was my choice response then i went after him, heh, asshole. I hate it when I get shit for being who I want to be, but they don't see how they are being lead, and moulded, and are just like everyone else
hmm, mixed day today. choice remark is "sir, you know when that gas man comes to stick the pipe up your chimney", hell that was funny, and i just sat and smirked to see his reaction. I'm gunna sell him some smoke bombs, ££££ ^_^
Savings are doing well!!! Aussie here i come (in 2 years plus postage and packaging)
more later no doubt, I'm in one of those moods