Art: Wash Away My Sins (Rating R, Bucky)

Jun 07, 2015 08:39

Title: Wash Away My Sins
Artist: Digitalwave
Fandom: Avengers
Characters: Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes)
Rating: R (non-explicit nudity)
Spoilers: Current Captain America MCU & comics continuity
Summary: Most days were good, most days he could feel the memory of Steve's Bucky, deep down in his soul. But there were days, fuck, there were days, when James knew the truth. No amount of water could ever wash his sins away.

Disclaimer: The characters in this artwork remain the property of themselves and their related production companies. None of the pretties belong to me, I'm only borrowing them.

If you'd like to play around with any of my images, whether as icons, wallpapers or whatever, just ask. Credit would be nice.

I'm trying to regain my fannish heart. Hope you like how he turned out. :)

fanart, bucky barnes/steve rogers, r

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