Title: No Grave Can Hold My Body Down
Eustacia Vye and
t0bemadeofglass.Pairing: Loki/Natasha. Lots of others mentioned, but aren't expressly featured.
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: Based on
this picspam, the two of us took almost a year to actually finish writing this because of Real Life. Mostly my lack of Gdocs access at work and way too many responsibilities... ^^; We're posting all nearly 28k at once because cutting it into chapters makes really uneven lengths, and it had taken us long enough as it was! No spoilers for Civil War in this, so no worries if you haven't seen it yet, and there will be a second part . . . though it might not be for awhile. It will be coming, though! Title from "Work Song" by Hozier.
Summary: When Natasha, head waitress and barista extraordinare, gets a visit from a new client at SHIELD Cafe, the last thing on her mind is that he’s anything different. Certainly, he’s paler than she is, and hardly eats anything when he comes in, but that doesn’t mean he’s something other than human. Does it?
No Grave Can Hold My Body Down