Moving Upstream.

Feb 02, 2016 07:39

Title: Moving Upstream
Series: #5 in Only Death
(#1 - A Hushed Sound, #2 - Drowning Inside Our Hearts, #3 - Going Into Ourselves, #4 - Death Is Inside The Bones)
Author: Eustacia Vye
Author's e-mail:
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine! Characters you recognize belong to Marvel, and I've incorporated some comic back story into the movieverse.
Notes: References to violence are made but not discussed at any length. Some self harm explicitly described in this one. Series and story titles from Pablo Neruda's "Nothing But Death." This series follows Ready For The Siege and may refer to events in it, but is probably okay to read without having read the other series first. Any questions about events in this series, just ask. :)
Summary: Hel doesn't like not knowing what's happening, and Helena is just making it all up as she goes along. How could that possibly go wrong?

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rating: pg15, genre: gen

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