The Dream Below, 5/8. NC-17

Aug 20, 2015 08:02

Title: The Dream Below
Author: Eustacia Vye
Author's e-mail:
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: *deep breath* Steve/Bucky, Steve/Natasha, Steve/Bucky/Natasha, Clint/Natasha, Loki/Natasha, Tony/Pepper, Maria/Natasha, Jane/Thor.
Disclaimer: Not mine! Not even by a little bit.
Spoilers/Warnings: MCU AU. Based off of this AU gifset on Tumblr. Come on, a mashup of Inception and the MCU. *drools* Did you really think I could stay away from this? No, I didn't think so either. :D Title and chapter titles from Linkin Park's "Castle of Glass."
Summary: Thor of Odin Corp. hires Steve Rogers' elite dream sharing team to perform inception on his brother, Loki, and a shade of their ex-resident thief Bucky (who was killed when the team's last job went horribly wrong) tries his best to sabotage it.

Or: Steve extracts, Tony builds, Clint runs point, Natasha's a master of impersonation, Bruce concocts, Thor's a tourist, and things happen.

Prior chapters:
One - Through The Secrets That I Have Seen
Two - Wash The Poison From Off My Skin
Three - Warm Me Up In A Nova's Glow
Four - Drop Me Down To The Dream Below

Current chapter:
Five - Past The Black Where The Sirens Sing

character: thor, fic: avengers, character: loki, genre: het, character: clint barton, character: james buchanan "bucky" barnes, character: natasha romanoff, character: bruce banner, character: tony stark, genre: crossover, character: steve rogers, rating nc17

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