FIC: Three Times Tony Stark Traveled with the Doctor

Jan 18, 2014 17:57

Title: Three Times Tony Stark Traveled with the Doctor
Author: sahiya
Fandoms: Avengers/Doctor Who
Wordcount: 3300
Rating: PG (for Tony's mouth)
Characters: Tony Stark, Eleventh Doctor, Bruce Banner
Notes: This was written for yamx for this year's fandom_stocking. It's also a sequel to my previous crossover, Time after Time. The third part will make more sense if you've read that first (but you probably don't have to, strictly speaking).
Disclaimer: Not mine! They belong to Marvel and Joss Whedon and Steven Moffat and the BBC and probably other people I'm forgetting.
Summary: Just what it says on the tin.

Three Times Tony Stark Traveled with the Doctor

character: bruce banner, character: tony stark, friends, genre: crossover, rating: pg

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