Fic - She's Got Issues

Nov 07, 2013 19:02

Title: She's Got Issues
Genre: Gen (past background relationship mentioned)
Rating: PG-13
Length: ~6,300 words
Warnings: Mild language, speculation on Skye's parentage, likely to be Jossed
Synopsis: Coulson comes through and gets Skye a lead on her family. The meeting does not go quite as she had expected.
Author's Notes: For the "abandonment issues" square at hc_bingo. Technically a crossover of Agents of SHIELD and The Avengers and technically not since they are both in the same greater universe anyway. Written before episode 1.6, but compliant with it.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and am making no profit from this.

Read on Live Journal.

Read on Dreamwidth.

Read on AO3.

rating: pg15, fic: avengers, character: clint barton, character: natasha romanoff, character: bruce banner, authour: cat_77, character: tony stark, fic: agents of shield, character: steve rogers, genre: gen, character: phil coulson

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