Want to be in a zine? Like any Marvel 616 comics?
I'm making a Marvel comics mini-fanzine as part of
diyfanzines project.
This zine is for Marvel 616 universe comics: not movies, Ultimates or cartoons, but any mainstream Marvel comic ever made, past or present. That means Avengers, Hawkeye, Young Avengers, X-Men, Journey Into Mystery, Incredible Hercules, Agents of Atlas... Anything. The sky's the limit.
What am I looking for? Fic, fan art, short one or two page fan comics and assorted fannish things (fake in-universe ads and articles, fake secret diaries, texts from last issue - I mean last night... Whatever you can imagine.) So basically, conveniently for you, something super short!
Contributors get a free copy of the zine, the zine will be published at cost, not for profit and a DIY print it and staple it yourself version will go up online.
Writing should be around 300-2,000 words, art should be one to two pages and black and white. Slash, femslash, het and gen from G up to an NC17 rating, but please, no rape or explicit sexual content about characters under 18. (Teenagers making out, A-Okay. Having sex on the page, no.)
If you're interested, comment here, on dreamwidth
here, livejournal
here, pm me or email me at fitzrose @email.msn.com.