The Twelve Days of the Avengers

Dec 08, 2012 11:33

Since holiday fic exchanges are as thick as autumn leaves on the ground, I thought we'd try something a little different. After all, not everyone writes, so I wanted to do something that would include all the members of the comm. Here's the plan: The Twelve Days of the Avengers (sorta like the Twelve Days of Christmas, but with no water fowl). Starting December 21st, and for the next twelve days, leading to the New Year, we'll share our creative gifts with one another here on the avengersblend community. These gifts can be fic, vids, gifs, your favourite photo stills, icons, banners, favourite YouTube interviews, clips, etc., haiku (hey, I love haiku!), or anything else I may have left off the list. Post your offering, or offerings, as the case may be, to the community, using the '12 days of avengers 2012' tag, beginning on the 21st. Extra special points if you contribute something each of the twelve days!

Please feel free to advertize this where permissible, and if anyone would like to make a banner for the purpose, I'd love it!

Let's bring in the New Year with an Avengers bang!

12 days of avengers 2012, announcements

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